3 Tips for a Healthier Halloween
Happy Halloween! Halloween, a sugarpalooza, is a lot of kids' favorite time of the year! Sugar galore, fun costumes, and more sugar are the hallmark traits of this holiday. With sugar abounding, how can your teeth even stand a chance to stay healthy? Here are a few tricks for the treats to help prevent extra trips to the dentist this season: 1. Avoid sticky or hard candies. Any candy that is going to stay on your teeth for an extended period of time is the worst type you can have for your teeth. Sticky candies are harder to get off your teeth so all of that sugar gets extra time to feed cavity-causing bacteria. Hard candies can do the same thing if they are sucked on, but also have an additional draw back in that they are the cause of many a broken tooth when attempted to be chewed. If these are your favorite kind of candies, just make sure that you brush right after eating them and never chew hard candies. 2. Don't snack on candy. The more often you snack on s