Are You Valentine’s Day Ready?
Don't Let Bad Breath Ruin Date Night There are many different things that can contribute to having bad breath! Some causes might be obvious like which foods you may be eating or having poor oral hygiene, but some might not be so evident. If you have date night or an important event coming up, here are some tricks to help you keep your breath fresh. Common Foods to Avoid: Garlic or Onions - The distinctive smell is caused by sulfur-containing chemicals in the garlic and onion. The smell can linger on a person's breath for hours and even overnight. Dairy - Naturally occurring bacteria from your tongue feeds on the amino acids in milk and cheese, which can result in an odor that is foul. Coffee - The caffeine in coffee can actually dry out your mouth by slowing saliva production which can be a trigger for bad breath This should be a little more obvious for most, but staying on top of your oral hygiene is the easiest way to keep your breath fresh. Ma