5 Tips To Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth
Happy Early Labor Day! With the new school year lurking in the back of everyone's minds, now is the best time to start on those healthy habits, like brushing your teeth, with your kids. Can you already hear the waterworks and tantrums start when you even think of mentioning it's time to brush teeth? Hopefully this post helps to t urn brushing time from this: to this! Here are five tips and tricks to making those 4 minutes per day a little more enjoyable for everyone: Make it a game: Most kids will do things they typically don't like doing if you dress it up as playtime. Whether you see who can brush their teeth first, or play a game of "Simon Says" with quick and slow brush strokes, if you are having fun, chances are your child will too! Set a schedule: Making a good bedtime routine will help when school