5 Tips To Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Happy Early Labor Day!
With the new school year lurking in the back of everyone's minds, now is the best time to start on those healthy habits, like brushing your teeth, with your kids. Can you already hear the waterworks and tantrums start when you even think of mentioning it's time to brush teeth? Hopefully this post helps to turn brushing time from
                                      this:                                                                                                           to this!

Here are five tips and tricks to making those 4 minutes per day a little more enjoyable for everyone:

  1. Make it a game: Most kids will do things they typically don't like doing if you dress it up as playtime. Whether you see who can brush their teeth first, or play a game of "Simon Says" with quick and slow brush strokes, if you are having fun, chances are your child will too! 
  2. Set a schedule: Making a good bedtime routine will help when school starts to keep everyone on the same page and make sure everyone gets enough rest. When kids and adults alike are tired, they can get grumpy which turns seemingly small things (like brushing) into a BIG deal! Brush early enough in the night so as to avoid some meltdowns.
  3. Have incentives: Everyone likes rewards. It may be something as small as choosing what to watch for the next movie night, reading an extra bedtime story, or a small sticker on a chart, but it might make a big difference in your child's attitude.
  4. Set an example: Nobody likes being told what to do, but showing your child that brushing your teeth is important to you will help. Make brushing your teeth a family event. Think of all the other things your child mimics you doing, this could eventually be one of those things! 
  5. Let them pick out their toothbrush/toothpaste: Maybe it's the flavor of toothpaste or the fun character printed on their toothbrush, whatever will make brushing something to look forward to is worth it! Even if you just bought that tube of toothpaste, if your kid doesn't like it, trying to convince them that they need to use it can be traumatic for both parties involved. Let them choose the flavor they enjoy or the color of toothbrush they use. A new tube of toothpaste or new toothbrush is a lot cheaper than having to pay a dental bill for cavities.
Good luck and happy brushing!
~ Cyrus M. Larson, DMD


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