How Can I Quit Smoking?

We've all heard about the dangers of tobacco use. Some of those dangers include lung and oral cancer, gum disease and tooth loss, heart disease, and even death. The extensive list of warnings on a pack of cigarettes alone should be enough to deter anyone from using them. Despite the fact that "cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States" (see the report here),  a recent statistic put out in February 2018 by the CDC stated that "an estimated 37.8 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes" (see the full report here). 

If you currently smoke or chew tobacco and have thought about quitting but don't know where to start, look no further! There are lots of resources available to you at little or no charge that will aid you in your healthy endeavor. 

One of the most important things when deciding to quit is to have a good support system. Talk with your dentist or physician, as they will always support your decision to quit using tobacco. Talk with family and friends, call a quit line, or join a support group. I want to highlight a couple programs that I really like and have helped a lot of people successfully quit their tobacco habit.

1. Montana Tobacco Quit Line

This is an amazing resource that provides residents of Montana with everything you need to successfully quit using tobacco products. Free and reduced costs on Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), coaching, planning and educational materials and a support system are all available through this resource. A custom plan will be tailored to your needs. You have the option of using as many of the resources available as you would like.  I recommend all my patients who have any desire to quit to this valuable program.  Call the number to right or go here for more information and help.

This resource is very similar to the Montana Tobacco Quit Line with free tips and tools available to you. A quit line is available with coaching, planning, NRT, support, and education. The program highlights stories from former smokers (like Felicita's story) with the health complications they experienced from using tobacco and their successes in cessation. A mobile app is even available to help with your own personal goals in quitting. For more information on this great program click here.
It is important to remember that no matter which method you choose to help you quit tobacco, you are ultimately in control. You can quit! It is never too late!

~ Cyrus M. Larson, DMD


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