How Often Are X-Rays Really Necessary?

You are at your semi-annual check-up with your dentist and everything is going great until that dreaded little word pops up: "X-rays." Nobody likes getting them, they are uncomfortable and if you have a bad gag reflex, well, you know how that one ends! There is also the concern with radiation and the risks associated with that. Is it really necessary to take X-rays and how often should you be getting them?

The ADA states, "How often X-rays should be taken depends on your present oral health, your age, your risk for disease, and any signs and symptoms of oral disease." As a rule of thumb, in my office I typically recommend adults take X-rays of their back teeth (Bitewings or BWX) once per year and once every 5 years X-rays should be taken of all their teeth (Full Mouth or FMX/Panoramic or Pano). If you have a tooth that is causing pain, or have had a change in your mouth since the last time you had X-rays taken, then I also recommend getting an updated X-ray of that tooth or change.

Though the amount of radiation and risks associated with dental X-rays is very low, I take a conservative approach to the frequency of X-rays to help minimize the amount of radiation you are exposed to. In my office we also use digital X-rays which emit a fifth of the radiation as old film X-rays. While I understand my patients' concern with the risks associated with radiation exposure, X-rays are necessary for diagnosing decay and infection among other conditions and problems of your teeth. A lead vest is always put on my patients to help protect them from excess exposure as well.

If you have further questions or concerns about X-rays contact your dentist. Additional information is also available at:

Keep smiling!
~ Cyrus M. Larson, DMD


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